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NYCDOB: Owners and Permit Holders Must Complete Sidewalk Shed Survey by August 31
If you have a sidewalk shed permit that has been active for more than 90 days, you must login to DOB NOW and complete the survey by August 31st.
How to Beat Heat-Related Illness on Projects in New York City
Preventing heat-related illness on a job site is a team effort, and it’s essential to remember that OSHA holds specific responsibilities toward employers during periods of excessive heat.
NYCDOB Bulletin Regarding Pedestrian Protection Methods Approval Procedure
For construction and demolition related projects, sidewalk sheds and fences are the primary Code-prescribed means of providing protections for pedestrians. In certain instances, containment netting may be a viable alternative to a sidewalk shed until permanent repairs can be performed.
OSHA: Rule in Effect Jan 1, 2024 Will Require Annual Safety Incident Reports
Department of Labor announces rule expanding submission requirements for injury, illness data provided by employers in high-hazard industries Final rule takes effect Jan. 1, 2024, for certain employers
NYCDOB: Civil Penalty Increase for Failing to File an Acceptable Certificate of Correction for an Immediately Hazardous Class 1 Summons (AEUHAZ)
The penalty for failure to file a certificate of correction for an Immediately Hazardous Class 1 summons will be increased from $3,000 to $5,000.
NYC DOB Reminder: Local Law 196: Renewing Site Safety Training Cards
Workers and supervisors whose Site Safety Training (SST) cards expire in 2023 must complete site safety training refresher courses before they can renew their cards. Here's how...